Saturday, November 30, 2019

Santa Claus free essay sample

There are three stages in a man’s life; When he believes in Santa Claus, When he doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, and when he is Santa Claus† – Author Unknown How many people do you know who believed in Santa Claus as a child? Some say the image of Santa Claus takes away from the fact that Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ. Some opinions are â€Å"What is Christmas without Santa Claus? † The innocence in a belief of someone who gives and doesn’t expect anything in return can instill generosity and selflessness in a young child. There is a downside to such a magical belief that it can be a devastating event as a child to discover that a hero is nonexistent. A child’s belief in Santa Claus is special because that kind of compassion and belief can only be enjoyed with the innocence of a child. We will write a custom essay sample on Santa Claus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Children should know about the legendary Santa Claus because it makes long lasting memories, an American childhood tradition, and he was an actual person involved in the history of Christmas; a symbolism know around the world. In all actuality Good Ole Saint Nick was a real person whom indeed provided needy children with gifts at Christmas time. But St. Nick was a Fourth Century Bishop. He was part of the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox. Saint Nick was known for kindness and generosity in Europe. The image of Santa Claus we are familiar with today began after the death of Saint Nick. He would, reportedly, come in spirit to needy children and leave gifts just as before he passed away. The story of Santa Claus began as early as the Sixteenth century. Reports say he wore a red bishop robe and hat with a black belt and boots, hence the world wide image of the red suit. Saint Nick was given his own feast day assigned by Pope Julian; December 6th. This day was just weeks before the birth of Christ is celebrated which lead to the two holidays becoming one celebration. The Tradition of Santa Claus is of Christian roots but he has become a secular figure. This custom came to the U. S. during the interest in the Dutch and their customs following the Revolutionary War (around 1800). Santa Claus was not this figures original name. Through time and custom interest his name went from Nicholas to Sinter Klass in Holland. Thereafter was Sancta Claus and finally the oh so familiar Santa Claus. The jolly, lump red outfit we are so accustomed to begin in the 1820’s. This was created by a political cartoonist name Thomas Nast. Many years later in 1934 the classical hit â€Å"Santa Claus is Coming to Town† was graciously created. Telling children about the tradition and legend of Good Ole Saint Nick would not be telling a lie. Saint Nick was a real man who promoted generosity and selfless giving. The trust of Santa, or any other holiday figure, can be a tragic experience for a young child. Christmas, as a holiday can become forever changed in their minds. It will appear no longer â€Å"magical† as tradition. The fact that parents convince their children to believe in Santa so young means the child can be lead on for years to come. The parents may add more traditions in the holiday which can make the change much more affecting. Some people say it is unethical for parents to â€Å"lie† to their children, eve for such a magical experience as Santa. Is it possible for the legend of Santa Claus to be more about the parents? Parents will use the belief of Santa Claus against their children. Threatening that Santa won’t bring them gifts at Christmas if they misbehave. Of remind them that Santa is watching if they don’t listen. Another reason for Santa to be present in a child’s life is because the parents believe their family tradition should be carried on into their children’s lives. The fact that Santa showers children with gifts on Christmas morning can promote materialism. The gifts Santa brings are generally the most desperately wanted gifts. This idea can make the children expect such high standards when the family may actually be living on a budget and downsizing would not be easily explainable. A lot of parents believe bring Santa into the Holiday of Christmas can take the focus off of the celebration of Christ. Santa tends to be the focus of the Christmas holiday which can make the interest of only the wanted gifts. I don’t think many people have taken the thought that children may be just as happy to receive gifts from their hard working and caring parents on Christmas morning. This concept instead would teach them the fact of realistic gift giving. The fact is Santa Claus makes the holiday season in its entirety, more magical and legendary for the children. The holidays in turn become much more suspenseful and memorable throughout the year. Santa Claus and his traditions give children something to believe in throughout their childhood. The rewarding gifts are also a symbol of a reward for good behavior preformed throughout the year. , or a reason to be well behaved for at least a few days at the end of the year. Children look up to Santa Claus. This gives them a feeling of being special because Santa views them as individuals. I heard a parent say once â€Å"The tradition of Santa Claus is a good way for the parents to bond with their children, and the children not realizing it†. I don’t know one parent who doesn’t love to see the sparkles in their children’s eyes on Christmas morning when they see that Santa Claus has come to reward them. It has become a part of an American child’s culture and heritage to believe in Santa and embrace the tradition. The media in our lives even encourages the ideas. They provide an address or drop off place for â€Å"Wish Lists† directed for Santa Claus. As well as a phone number to call and verbally ask. The local news station even â€Å"track† Santa Claus on him journey Christmas Eve using the tracking system NORAD. Eventually the time will come to reveal the truth of a life long tradition and holiday mindset. In the beginning of the child’s young childhood most parents agree that the disappointment won’t be as bad as it seems when the time does comes. When the realization takes place there are some kids that relate to it as a form of maturity. A milestone in a young life that brings them to a higher level. There are kids that will solve the mystery themselves and possible still play along to your story because it’s fun and memorable. A young girl named Lexi once told her mother at the tender age of seven â€Å" Mon, is Santa real? her mom replied â€Å"What do you think? † Lexi states â€Å"I think he is make believe, but it’s still fun to pretend! † Other children will found out around the same age. According to similar stories the general age of discovery is nine or ten years old. There will be those children who become devastated and will ask many questions in an effort to understand. After such a reaction Christmas and the holidays in general may be discussed with your child on an entirely new level. It is important to teach children about the spirit of Christ and his birth and how Santa Claus may relate to the fact. Santa Claus should be labeled as a symbol of something special and of ancient culture. Santa may bring elegant toys and reward the children for being well behaved, his story should be told along the epic story of Christ. When the secret of Santa is revealed his tradition should still be in cooperated in to the season just on a new level. Letting children give their own gifts of appreciation can symbolize the giving nature and generosity of Saint Nickolas within the legend began. Originally the generosity was related to Christ and his epic journey. If anything the story of Santa can in turned be used as defense when a child’s parents catch them in a lie, the child can correctly reply â€Å"Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus! † The parent will ultimately stand corrected. As a mother of a three year old I agree with a gentleman by the name of Jeff, a father of two young girls, who states â€Å"They only have one window in life to believe. They are taught all of their actions are being monitored, until they develop a sense of religion. When then inevitable happens and they find out, they are taught to critically think for themselves. †

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